Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Genius begets Genius

I wonder what it takes to be a genius.  People are inundated with media saying this person is a genius because he or she wrote a brilliant song, or this scientist is a genius because he has a theory that others can't understand but it sounds important. Most would say it is an intelligence quotient distinction, one would have to pass 140 to be a genius, yeah.. because testing seems like a great way to tell people they are a genius.

The idea that I am getting at is I think that it is hard to test the ability to formulate original ideas.  It is possible that I am off base and not talking about genii at all but visionaries.  I think they fall into the same category though.  Can a person really call another a genius if they remember and understand and infinite amount of subjects but can not form that into an original idea?   Rhetorical questions..  My brain must be tired.

I think that a true genius will cause others to latch onto their ideas and try to formulate new ideas.  True genii changes the world around themselves.  They make it into a world of their own.  One where people innately change the way they interact in the world by instinct.  Those who interact with the world of a genius, adapt to the new metaphysical physics of this pocket world that appears around the genius.

C. Fletcher

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Out in the Woods (Part I)

Randomly I write passages that have no meaning and are just reaction to something that is going on in my life.  I will start posting some of these writings.  Some are probably real, most are likely fiction. Most will be out of context, and will make little sense but enjoy.


This Series is called Needri and Ivy out in the Woods.  These are short passages that come straight out of my imagination or at least my imagined interaction I have with a dragon companion I have named Ivy, while playing Pathfinder with some friends.   For a bit more context, Needri is a gnome ranger, and Ivy is a wyrmling copper dragon.

Needri and Ivy out in the Woods
Part 1.
This beautiful dragon was a mess.  We came upon her when she was at her worst.  She was bleeding all over, her claws were all broken, it appeared by both her trying to escape and from someone taking a strongly wielded hammer to them.  Her wings were clipped, she had no teeth, and a massive injury to her head.  That was all you could tell from and cursory look.  ‘that was all you could tell’ give me a break, there were more injuries than most people would ever see on anything that isn’t currently being eaten by the crows.  After delving her a bit more I knew that she was also very sick, tired, and as is not surprising, she was very shaken and scared.  She had to be helped.  I knew that I had to be careful and that she would not trust me much.  I was cautious, with Nani to support me, we gave the dragon some steak of which we soak a healing potion in.  As scared as the dragon was, she was also to the point of starvation and she ravenously ate the steak. “I want to rescue you” I told her.  She seemed confused and not completely lucid.  I opened the cage and slowly reaching in.  She bit me… ‘Nice job Needri, stick your arm into a cage with an injured scared dragon, what do you think is going to happen’ I thought to myself.  Understanding how terrified all injured things can be I did not strike out at her, nor did I pull away.  My armor would protect me for she was missing her claws and teeth.  I spoke softly to her, “I will never hurt you little one. You are scared and injured.  Let me help you. You are a beautiful creature, the image of Hlal herself.”  She seemed shocked by the last remark, let go of my arm, looked into my eyes and though scared and not sure what would happen she said, “Help…” and collapsed from exhaustion.  

Sunday, February 10, 2013

As the Wind against a Tower

I have began to wonder about my perceptions of life.  I am constantly thinking about what are the goals of the people that I am with. Are these people subtly attempting to direct me to where they want me to be? What kind of box am I am slowly being prodded into?  

I will not be manipulated into someone else's box. What is there in this world for me? The opportunities are endless some say.  I disagree with this statement.  Opportunities are endless just like the path of a leaf on the wind is endless.  The leaf does not have much of a choices where it will go.  It is true that the wind could potentially take it anywhere, but once a leaf is in the air it is completely helpless to direct its path.  The wind is not the only entity affecting the leaf; an outside force such as a bird or a person can change its path, but still the leaf itself is helpless.  Could the wind take the leaf anywhere?  Yes, but it will not. The wind is predisposed to follow the path that is has begun. What does this mean for people? It means that people are unlikely to have endless paths. Every choice, forces them farther down the current.  

  Where is this current of life taking me?  What will it take to change the directions that I see I am heading and into the current that will take me to where I want to go. To answer that, one would have to know where they want to go. So for now I am a leaf on the wind, being prodded down a path of my own creation and not of my own at the same time. 

I am determined to become a bastion of strength. A tower that does not move with the wind.  Who feels the wind and scoffs.  One who sees the currents of life pass around him and when they touch him changes their direction.  

One Day, 

C. Fletcher

Friday, January 04, 2013

From Fear Through the Eyes of Sadness

I very rarely have songs stuck in my head and when this happens I hardly ever know the lyrics.  My brain plays this trick with me that I can't remember both lyrics and tune. If I hear the tune I can sing the song, but they very rarely go in tandem. Over the last few days I have had a song stuck in my head though, and the interesting thing is that it was a song that I had probably not heard in 3 years. It is a song from Coheed and Cambria called The Road and the Damned.  Here it is in lyric form adapted a bit, look it up if you are interested, it is quite beautiful. 

I believed in the world right in front of me. But now along these empty streets this curse haunts these memories of a man and all he's lost. There is no time to think about it, no time to breathe.  If I had a way back, I'd ride through the dark and the dawn because that man you love don't live anymore.  I can't go home again.  Tonight, you'll sleep, with no fear of what might become of me, my dear.  Within these end of days, Where this longing turns this man to prey on a love that yearns to die.  I believed in the world once in front of me, well, now that's gone.  

 I have not been sleeping well these last few days, I think I have gotten something of like 7 hours of sleep in the last 72 or so.  I keep waking up after about thirty minutes with a strong sense of loss and more often than not I have been in cold sweats.  This sounds bad, but I don't think that this is really a problem.  I was struggling the other day with some really troubling situations, and I think my body is just reacting to that. I have found in the last few years that things like this happen to me on occasion. My mind thinks I am in trouble or something, so it turns on some sort of master switch in order to protect me from whatever it is that is bothering me.  I will eventually fall asleep and the sun will be shining when I awake. 

Due to this I have been fairly productive at work, since I don't really have any reason to leave except to eat and take a shower.

 I am curious if this is a problem with people who spend a majority of their time thinking or if it is more of a problem with me due to being just a few clicks from crazy at points. 

One Day,
C. Fletcher