Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Being Sick as an Adult

I went to bed last night with a bit of a cough and thought, well at least it is not too bad, knowing my body I will be over it tomorrow.  I was WRONG.  I woke up today and thought, oh no.. this is going to be rough day.  I have been coughing non-stop all day and it has gotten bad enough that I have thrown up like 3 times due to just over-coughing.  I feel fine otherwise, I likely have a temperature, but it is mainly just the coughing.  Normally one might say, "Well Colin, if you are coughing so badly just get some cough medicine and you will feel great!"  Yes that does sound like a logical, and reasonable thing to do.  The very crucial problem is that I left my wallet in a different state on accident.  That being said, I have nearly converted to a life of crime because it has gotten so bad, but I realized that it would be very hard to be stealthy when I am coughing every ten seconds.  I suppose that if I want to look on the bright side, I have not surrendered to the life of crime yet so I will not dishonor my family, ect.  I suppose the point of this paragraph initially was to say that being sick as an Adult is not nearly as fun as it was when you had someone to take care of you, but I got off on a very random and fanstastical tangent.  (which if you read this regularly be might be starting to anticipate)

Anyways, I left work early today because I don't want to infect everyone.  I had a very productive day because of it though.  I got to watch some TED talks as well, which if you haven't seen some of those I highly recommend.  They are very well done and very interesting.   I watched both of these and they are worth your time to watch.  Temple Grandin and Jill Bolte Taylor.  I also did a pretty hardcore cleaning of my room and finished two homework assignments which is pretty good for my sanity I think.

Since I had so much me time today, I had some time to think constructively.  If you lead my last post, too much time to think can be a bad thing for me, but today I started thinking about my future, what it will take to get there, and who I want to be when that day comes.  I constantly strive to be the best, but what does that mean?  How can you be the best Geneticist?  or the best Friend, Boyfriend, Husband, Musician, Athlete?  It is a hard road to travel.  It takes sacrifice that most people are not willing to give up.  Where does that leave me?  Do I lay down and sacrifice myself or friends or lovers for that greatness? These are questions that do not yet have definitive answers.  They probably will never have definitive answers.  They will likely be filled with "somewhats" and "sort of's".  Will that be enough?  I hope so.

One day,

C. Fletcher

1 comment:

  1. Being "the best" kind of depends on what you are being the best at and can sometimes not be as difficult as it sounds. Being the best husband only means you have to really be the "best" as far as YOUR wife (or girlfriend or friend etc) is concerned. Being the best Geneticist may be somewhat more difficult because there are a multitude of people that would have to consider you such. Whatever it is you strive for, I have little doubt that you will always give it YOUR best, because that is how you are!
